May 9, 2013

Zombicide Survivor: Crazy Ned

Hello all,
Crazy Ned to the rescue! the Cleric of the party - his free search skill is invaluable, but also makes him the guy at the back searching, while the rest are slaying.

Zombicide Survivor Zombie action painted Crazy Ned

That might be why he is crazy - btw, love his nickname, and he also looks a bit crazy, but hey who wouldn't in a zombie-infested world?

Zombicide Survivor Zombie action painted Crazy Ned

Designer's Note on Ned:
"….add a bit of bleach and BANG! Heh heh heh…"
Ned knew it. He knew THIS would happen. THIS was THEIR fault. But NOBODY ever listened. Boy are they SORRY now. Ned has been preparing for years: collecting food and weapons, building a bunker, all to survive THIS. Unfortunately for Ned, he’s lost his bunker key, so until he finds it he’s going to need every survival skill he’s got. And probably other people. Crap.

Crazy Ned's game sheet:

Zombicide Survivor Zombie action painted Ned game sheet

His Zombivore version:
Zombicide Survivor Zombie action painted Ned Zombivore crazy

Anyways, thanks for reading - if you found the post interesting then any comments or tips are greatly appreciated!
Until the next time; stay safe and prepare to slaughter Zombies! 

Zombicide Survivor Zombie action painted Josh Ned crazy Thug
All the best,

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